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Authors (on behalf of the AOSpine Knowledge Forum Tumor)

Ilya Laufer, JJ Verlaan

General Editor

Luiz Vialle

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Subaxial cervical, unstable, low ESCC


The choice between an anterior and posterior approach will be determined by the individual case and preoperative imaging, taking into account the location of the tumor and the destruction of the spine.

The choice between an anterior and posterior approach will be determined by the individual case and preoperative imaging, taking into account the location of the tumor and the destruction of the spine.

Nonoperative treatment

occipitocervical unstable high escc

Main indications

Patient not fit for surgery due to medical comorbidities or very advanced metastatic disease.

Nonoperative treatment consists of radiotherapy, and if needed, brace stabilization to prevent ranges of motion that cause pain.

Patient not fit for surgery due to medical comorbidities or very advanced metastatic disease.

Nonoperative treatment consists of radiotherapy, and if needed, brace stabilization to prevent ranges of motion that cause pain.

Anterior corpectomy and stabilzation

Main indications

Gross destruction of the vertebral bodies without posterior involvement


  • Extensive neck treatment including radiation and prior surgery


  • Anterior column support
  • Favorable wound healing


  • Risk of esophageal or vascular injury

Gross destruction of the vertebral bodies without posterior involvement


  • Extensive neck treatment including radiation and prior surgery


  • Anterior column support
  • Favorable wound healing


  • Risk of esophageal or vascular injury

Posterior stabilization C3-C7

Main indications

Multilevel disease or circumferential tumors


  • Multilevel osseous fixation
  • Possibility to extend fixation to the thoracic spine


  • Extensive paraspinal muscle dissection
  • Need for a longer construct compared to stand alone anterior approach
Multilevel disease or circumferential tumors


  • Multilevel osseous fixation
  • Possibility to extend fixation to the thoracic spine


  • Extensive paraspinal muscle dissection
  • Need for a longer construct compared to stand alone anterior approach

Posterior stabilization C7-T1

Main indications



  • Multilevel osseous fixation
  • Possibility to extend fixation to the thoracic spine


  • Extensive paraspinal muscle dissection
  • Need for a longer construct compared to stand alone anterior approach


  • Multilevel osseous fixation
  • Possibility to extend fixation to the thoracic spine


  • Extensive paraspinal muscle dissection
  • Need for a longer construct compared to stand alone anterior approach

Combined anterior and posterior

Main indications

Multilevel disease or circumferential tumors

Since most cases can be solved by either an anterior or posterior approach, the combined approach is only indicated in rare cases.


  • Multilevel osseous fixation


  • Extensive paraspinal muscle dissection
  • Need for a longer construct compared to stand alone anterior approach
  • Risk of esophageal or vascular injury
  • Need for longer or multistage surgery
Multilevel disease or circumferential tumors

Since most cases can be solved by either an anterior or posterior approach, the combined approach is only indicated in rare cases.


  • Multilevel osseous fixation


  • Extensive paraspinal muscle dissection
  • Need for a longer construct compared to stand alone anterior approach
  • Risk of esophageal or vascular injury
  • Need for longer or multistage surgery