Authors of section


Jörg Auer, Larry Bramlage, Patricia Hogan, Alan Ruggles, Jeffrey Watkins

Executive Editor

Jörg Auer

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Proximal phalanx: Long incomplete fractures

Fracture characteristics

Long incomplete fractures originate from the mid-sagittal groove of the proximal phalanx and extend into the small intramedullary canal, just distal to the middle of the proximal phalanx.

Those fractures are most typically seen in racing breeds.

Long incomplete sagittal fracture of the proximal phalanx

This fracture may be represented as a simple sagittal configuration (left image) or may propagate medially or laterally in the mid-proximal phalanx (right image).

Simple sagittal configuration (left) and propagation in the mid-prosximal phalanx (right)

Clinical signs and imaging

Clinical signs are usually acute severe lameness with or without an effusion of the fetlock joint.

In most cases, a dorsopalmar radiograph confirms the diagnosis. A complete radiographic series is required to properly evaluate the full extent of the fracture and to rule out additional injury.

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