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Han Jo Kim, Marinus de Kleuver, Keith Luk

Executive Editors

Kenneth Cheung, Larry Lenke

General Editor

German Ochoa

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Lenke 5

Lenke 5 curves

Type 5 curves have structural thoracolumbar/lumbar curve while the main thoracic and the proximal thoracic curves are non-structural.

Due to the morphology of type 5 curves lumbar modifiers A and B do not exist.

Scoliosis Lenke classification AIS

A minor curve is defined as structural if at least one of the two below criteria are met:

  • Residual curve greater than or equal to 25 ° on supine bending radiograph
  • T2 – T5, T10-L2 kyphosis greater than or equal to 20 ° (regardless of coronal flexibility)

The left X-rays show a 15 year old female with Lenke 5C curve consisting of a:

  • No PT curve
  • 25° minor MT curve, correcting to 16° on side bending
  • 53° major TL/L curve, correcting to 11° on side bending

The MT curves is non-structural.

Scoliosis Lenke classification AIS

Sagittal modifiers

The lumbar modifier is determined by drawing a vertical line from the center of the sacrum.

The sagittal modifiers are determined from the lateral radiograph from T5-T12. A measurement less than 10° is designated as "-".

Scoliosis Lenke classification AIS

Measurements between 10°-40° is designated as "N".

Scoliosis Lenke classification AIS

A measurement larger than 40° is designated as "+".

Scoliosis Lenke classification AIS
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