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Philip Henman, Mamoun Kremli, Dorien Schneidmüller

General Editor

Fergal Monsell

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Avulsion of the tibial spine


This fracture type involves avulsion of the tibial spine and is classified as 41t-E/7.1.

Fracture type involves tibial spine avulsion, classified as 41t-E/7.1.

Fractures of the tibial spine represent an avulsion of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in pediatric patients.

Intrasubstance rupture of the ACL is rare in pediatric patients.


Avulsion fractures are usually visible with plain x-rays.

MRI is the investigation of choice as this will accurately define fracture displacement and identify injuries of the menisci, collateral ligaments, and other soft-tissue structures.

These images show an avulsed tibial spine in a 13-year-old patient.

p41 IE70 Definition
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