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Philip Henman, Mamoun Kremli, Dorien Schneidmüller

General Editor

Fergal Monsell

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Epiphysiolysis (Salter-Harris I)


Salter-Harris type-I fractures are physeal injuries without epiphyseal or metaphyseal extension. In the proximal tibia, these fractures are classified as 41t-E/1.1.

Displaced Salter-Harris type-I fractures are uncommon.

A small metaphyseal fragment is often present, and the fracture is therefore classified as Salter-Harris II.

An associated fibular fracture may have a different configuration and is classified separately.

Proximal tibial physeal fractures are associated with a high incidence of growth disturbance.

Salter-Harris type-I proximal tibia fractures: 41t-E/1.1, small metaphyseal fragments, risk of growth disturbance, associated fibular fractures.


AP and lateral x-rays should be obtained.

Undisplaced Salter-Harris fractures may not be visible on plain x-rays.

These x-rays show a displaced fracture.

Obtain AP and lateral x-rays; undisplaced Salter-Harris fractures may be invisible.
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