Additional credits

First edition (2024)

Dr Fergal Monsell (General Editor Pediatric Trauma 2017–2024)
Bristol Childrens Hospital
Paediatric Orthopaedic Surgery
Bristol, United Kingdom

Follow/connect with Fergal Monsell on myAO.

Fergal Monsell

Prof Mamoun Khaled Kremli (Executive Editor)
Pediatric Orthopedics
Dallah Hospital
Riyadh, Saudi Arabia

Follow/connect with Mamoun Khaled Kremli on myAO.

Mamoun Kremli

Dr Anna Clarke
Bristol Royal Hospital for Children
Bristol, United Kingdom

Anna Clarke

Prof Dr Dorien Schneidmüller
Kinderorthopädie und Kindertraumatologie
BG Unfallklinik Murnau
Murnau/Staffelsee, Germany

Follow/connect with Dorien Schneidmüller on myAO.

Dorien Schneidmüller

Project manager: Thomas Kolitzus

Illustrator: Manuel Ruoss

For details on the table of contents, see the release notes.

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