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Matthias Hansen, Rodrigo Pesántez

Executive Editors

Joseph Schatzker, Ernst Raaymakers, Rick Buckley

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Complete articular fracture, fragmentary articular

Multifragmentary articular fractures characterized by the involvement of both the medial and lateral condyles are classified by the AO/OTA as 41C3 fractures. The metaphyseal part of the fracture may be multifragmentary as well.

They usually result from high-energy injuries. In addition to the bicondylar fragmentation there is metaphyseal comminution with loss of continuity between the proximal epiphysis and the diaphysis.

A major concern in managing these severe injuries is the invariably present severe soft-tissue envelope injury. Treatment of these fractures is difficult and requires careful judgment and technical expertise.

Complete articular fracture, fragmentary articular (AO/OTA 41C3)
Complete articular fracture, fragmentary articular (AO/OTA 41C3)
 CT scan
lateral CT scan
lateral CT scan
AP CT scan
CT scan
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