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Martin Jaeger, Frankie Leung, Wilson Li

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Peter Trafton

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Extraarticular 2-part, tuberosity, dislocation

These fractures are those associated with glenohumeral dislocations. The vast majority involve the greater tuberosity. Occasionally, a posterior dislocation results in avulsion of the lesser tuberosity. Very rarely, so-called luxatio in erecta is associated with a greater tuberosity fracture. All such fracture dislocations should be reduced promptly. Beware of a possible occult metaphyseal fracture that may displace during closed reduction (converting the fracture to a 3- or 4-part fracture). Tuberosity displacement must be reassessed after glenohumeral reduction, since it may not require surgical repair. With any glenohumeral fracture dislocation, an open reduction may be necessary.

Fracture of tuberosity with glenohumeral dislocation
Fracture of tuberosity with glenohumeral dislocation
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