Authors of section


Rahul Banerjee, Peter Brink, Matej Cimerman, Tim Pohlemann, Matevz Tomazevic

Executive Editor

Peter Trafton

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Intact posterior arch, innominate bone avulsion fracture

Avulsion fractures of an iliac or pubic spine

These injuries are avulsion fractures involving the:

  • anterior superior iliac spine (AO/OTA 61A1.1)
  • anterior inferior iliac spine (AO/OTA 61A1.2)
  • pubic spine (pubic tubercle) (Not classified in the AO/OTA classification)

Avulsion fractures of the iliac crest

These injuries are avulsion fractures of the iliac crest.
(Not classified in the AO/OTA classification)


Avulsion fractures of the ischial tuberosity

These injuries are avulsion fractures of the ischial tuberosity. This fracture is classified as an AO/OTA 61A1.3 fracture.

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