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Khairul Faizi Mohammad, Brad Yoo

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Markku T Nousiainen, Richard Buckley

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Dorsal approach to single metatarsals 2–4

1. Indications

This dorsal approach can be used to access a fracture of a single metatarsal.

If access to multiple metatarsals is required, a different approach should be used.

Skin incision of the dorsal approach to the second metatarsal

2. Anatomy

Important relevant anatomical structures are:

  • The extensor digitorum brevis and longus
  • The digital arteries and nerves
Important relevant anatomical structures when approaching the metatarsals

3. Skin incision

The skin incision is centered over the fracture and made in line with the long axis of the bone.

Skin incision of the dorsal approach to the second metatarsal

4. Deep dissection

Protect any longitudinal veins traversing the field.

Deep dissection of the dorsal approach to the second metatarsal

Retract the EDL tendon laterally and expose the metatarsal.

Deep dissection of the dorsal approach to the second metatarsal with retraction of the EDL tendon and exposure of the second metatarsal

Visualization of the articular surface

Incise the joint capsule medial to the EDL tendon to expose the metatarsal head and base of the proximal phalanx.

If additional exposure is required, sharply release the medial and lateral collateral ligaments. Plantar flex the great toe to visualize the articular surfaces of the joint. A mini distractor applied dorsomedially may be useful for visualization.

Joint capsule incision of the dorsal approach to the second metatarsal

5. Closure

Close the joint capsule using resorbable sutures.

Perform a subcuticular closure with resorbable sutures.

Skin should be closed with appropriate sutures. Nylon sutures are typically used.

Skin closure of the dorsal approach to the second metatarsal
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