Additional Credits

Second edition (2013)

Prof Dr Christopher L Colton (Editor –2013)
University of Nottingham
Cheltenham, United Kingdom

Christopher L Colton

Dr Dominik Heim
Facharzt Chirurgie FMH
Frutigen, Switzerland

Follow/connect with Dominik Heim on myAO.

Dominik Heim

Dr Rami Mosheiff
Department Orthopedic Surgery
Hadassah Medical Centre
Jerusalem, Israel

Follow/connect with Rami Mosheiff on myAO.

Rami Mosheiff

Prof Dr Shai Luria
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Hadassah Medical Organization
Jerusalem, Israel

Follow/connect with Shai Luria on myAO.

Shai Luria

Dr Yoram Weil
Senior Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedic Trauma Service, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Hadassah Medical centers the Hebrew University Jerusalem. Location
Jerusalem, Israel

Yoram Weil

Project manager: Tobias Hövekamp

Illustrator: Anja Giger

Dankward Höntzsch is gratefully acknowledged for revision of the external fixation treatment options (2017, with Steve Krikler as editorial consultant).

John Capo is gratefully acknowledged for feedback on the content (revision in 2017 with Martin Jaeger (author) and Steve Krikler (editorial consultant)).

First edition (2006)

Prof Dr Ernst Raaymakers (Editor)
Surgical Clinic, Section Traumatology
Academisch Medisch Centrum
Amsterdam, Netherlands

Ernst Raaymakers

Dr Dominik Heim
Facharzt Chirurgie FMH
Frutigen, Switzerland

Follow/connect with Dominik Heim on myAO.

Dominik Heim

Dr Rami Mosheiff
Department Orthopedic Surgery
Hadassah Medical Centre
Jerusalem, Israel

Follow/connect with Rami Mosheiff on myAO.

Rami Mosheiff

Prof Dr Thomas Gross
Departement: Traumatology Kantonsspital Aarau
Aarau, Switzerland

Thomas Gross

Prof Dr Shai Luria
Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Hadassah Medical Organization
Jerusalem, Israel

Follow/connect with Shai Luria on myAO.

Shai Luria

Dr Paul-Martin Sutter
Spitalzentrum Biel
Biel, Switzerland

additional credits

Dr Yoram Weil
Senior Orthopedic Surgeon, Orthopedic Trauma Service, Department of Orthopedic Surgery
Hadassah Medical centers the Hebrew University Jerusalem. Location
Jerusalem, Israel

Yoram Weil

Project manager: Michael Redies

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