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Harry Hoyen, Simon Lambert, Joideep Phadnis

Executive Editor

Simon Lambert

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13B2.1/.2   Partial articular, medial sagittal, simple transtrochlear fracture


Simple transtrochlear fractures may run through the trochlear groove (13B2.1) or the medial trochlear ridge (13B2.2).

Partial articular, simple medial sagittal fracture through the trochlear groove and the medial trochlear ridge

Further characteristics

Most medial condyle fractures in adults feature complex articular comminution. Computed tomography—particularly 3-D CT—can help define the fracture anatomy and facilitate the planning of the surgery.


Simple transtrochlear fracture through the trochlear groove

X-ray of partial articular, simple medial sagittal fracture through trochlear groove

2-D CT

Simple transtrochlear fracture through the trochlear groove

2-D CT scan of partial articular, simple medial sagittal fracture through trochlear groove
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