Intramedullary nailing

1. Introduction

An intramedullary (IM) nail provides the strongest mechanical fixation of any metaphyseal or diaphyseal fracture.

There may be practical reasons (eg, existing hardware or a small intramedullary canal) or biological reasons (eg, soft tissue concerns) why other fixation methods would be chosen.

Nailing may be performed antegrade (proximal to distal) or retrograde (distal to proximal).

Angular stability

Interactive 3D animation

A metaphyseal or diaphyseal fracture may be displaced in a variety of ways. This is shown in the panel on the left. Once the fracture is reduced, an IM nail restores axial alignment and prevents angulation. This is shown in the panel on the right.

Rotational stability

Interactive 3D animation

Without locking, an IM nail may not provide rotational control. The fracture plane or interdigitation of the fragments may provide some rotational control (as shown in the panel on the left), but it is usually more reliable to insert proximal and distal interlocking screws to enhance rotational stability (shown in the right panel). Rotational alignment can be checked by the alignment and thickness of the four cortices, illustrated here by the oval bone (left panel).

Longitudinal stability (shortening)

Multifragmentary fractures are not length stable. Therefore, proximal and distal locking screws must be used.

Illustration showing the use of proximal and distal locking screws for length stability in multifragmentary fractures.

2. Reduction and preliminary fixation

Preliminary remark

Reduction is an essential part of intramedullary nailing. The fracture must be reduced to allow guide-wire placement, reaming, and nail insertion. It is important to restore length, angulation, and rotation. Even after guide-wire insertion, further correction of alignment may be needed to avoid deformity. This should be done before reaming and nail insertion.

Reduction is usually more challenging with proximal and distal fractures as well as with delayed treatment. Sometimes only mild traction and rotational adjustment are required. Percutaneous reduction aids (pointed reduction forceps, Schanz screws, or ball spike pushers) may allow reduction without opening the fracture. With other fractures, direct reduction techniques may be necessary.

The surgeon usually begins with less invasive reduction techniques, and if they do not succeed, progresses to techniques which require more fracture exposure.

Different reduction techniques are illustrated below.

Manual traction

Depending on the patient’s positioning and the type of OR table, one or two people may be required to perform manual traction.

Using a distractor

A large distractor is usually placed in the proximal and distal segments. Placement should not obstruct the insertion of locking screws or intraoperative fluoroscopy.

The proximal Schanz screw must be proximal and appropriately positioned to avoid blocking the nail. The distractor’s distal screw should be outside the intended nail location.

An external fixator may be used instead of a distractor.

Illustration showing large distractor placement in proximal and distal segments, avoiding obstruction of locking screws and fluoroscopy.


To aid reduction, a “joystick” (in this case a Schanz screw on a T-handled chuck) can be placed percutaneously into either or both main fracture fragments. The Schanz screw should have unicortical purchase so that it does not block the guide wire, reamer, or nail.

Illustration showing a Schanz screw on a T-handled chuck used percutaneously for reduction, avoiding blockage of guide wire, reamer, or nail.

Percutaneous reduction forceps

Oblique or spiral fractures can often be reduced with pointed reduction forceps applied percutaneously.

Illustration showing reduction of oblique or spiral fractures with pointed reduction forceps applied percutaneously.

Open reduction

In the event of delayed treatment, or if a bone fragment is incarcerated in the canal, open reduction may have to be performed.

In open reduction, careful preservation of the periosteum and peripheral soft-tissue attachments is recommended. A mini-open technique should be considered if appropriate.


Locate the fracture by palpation or with fluoroscopy. Make a small longitudinal incision over the fracture. Extend the incision sufficiently for access. Free up one side of the fracture at a time, with minimal dissection.

Illustration showing fracture location by palpation or fluoroscopy, with a small longitudinal incision and minimal dissection.

Oblique fractures

If the fracture is oblique, a bone clamp, placed percutaneously, with its tips perpendicular to the fracture plane, can be used to compress the fracture surfaces. Together with some traction, this helps restore length as well as fracture apposition.

Illustration showing a bone clamp placed percutaneously to compress oblique fracture surfaces, aiding in length and apposition restoration.

Transverse fractures

If the fracture is transverse, it may be reduced with manipulation using clamps on the bone ends. This may require more exposure. Percutaneous Schanz screws, or percutaneously applied pointed reduction forceps, as illustrated, are less invasive.

The technique with clamps in a tibia fracture is as follows:

Free up the ends of both fracture fragments. Align the crest of both fragments. This will assure proper rotation.

Flex the fracture to 45°, or enough to place one fragment onto the other. Approximate the cortical edges, and gradually extend through the fracture, which compresses the fracture site. Recheck alignment.

Illustration showing transverse fracture reduction with clamps, Schanz screws, or forceps, aligning and compressing the fracture.

Alternatively, a Hohmann retractor can be used for reduction by placing it between the fracture fragments and prying them apart. It is important to hold this position for at least 30 seconds to allow the viscoelastic tissues to stretch gradually.

It is very important to maintain the reduction while the nail is inserted. This often requires an assistant, or temporary use of distractor, external fixator, or plate with unicortical screws.

Illustration showing Hohmann retractor use for fracture reduction, holding position for tissue stretch, and maintaining reduction during nail insertion.

Plate as reduction aid

It may be difficult to achieve and maintain reduction in certain fracture patterns.

As illustrated, a small plate with unicortical screws can be used, both as a reduction aid and to hold the reduction during nail insertion.

This is an open technique, and soft-tissue dissection is required. The plate can be left in place after the nail is inserted.

Illustration showing a small plate with unicortical screws used for reduction aid and holding reduction during nail insertion.

Delayed reduction

If nailing is delayed, a temporary external fixator can maintain distraction, thus aiding reduction. If the fracture begins to heal with shortening, closed reduction will be difficult to achieve, particularly after 10–15 days. If an initial attempt at closed reduction is unsuccessful, open the fracture and release enough peripheral callus to allow reduction.

Illustration showing temporary external fixator maintaining distraction for reduction, with steps for delayed nailing and callus release.

3. Nail entry point

The ideal entry point varies according to the bone and is also influenced by the design of the nail. The entry point can be estimated from x-rays by extrapolating the axis of the medullary canal backwards.

Once the entry point has been chosen, it is opened with an awl or a drill. In some systems, these may be cannulated.

Illustration showing the entry point opened with an awl or drill, with some systems using cannulated tools.

4. Insertion of guide wires

Most IM nails are inserted over a guide wire. Reaming is always performed over a guide wire. The guide wire is inserted under x-ray control.

Illustration showing IM nail insertion and reaming over a guide wire, with the guide wire inserted under x-ray control.

To facilitate passing the guide wire across the fracture site, the fracture should be adequately reduced. It may be easier to direct the guide wire along the medullary canal if the distal tip is angulated slightly.

Illustration showing guide wire passing through a reduced fracture site with a slightly angulated distal tip.

If the fracture ends cannot be sufficiently reduced for a guide wire to be passed, it may be necessary to use an intramedullary reduction aid. This may be inserted into the proximal fragment (after reaming if necessary) to manipulate the proximal fragment so that the guide wire can be passed into the distal fragment.

Alternatively, percutaneous reduction aids, eg, a Schanz pin with T-handle, ball-spiked pusher, bone hook, or F-tool, can be used.

In some cases, there may be soft-tissue interposition which prevents reduction. This may mean that open reduction is required.

Illustration showing use of intramedullary and percutaneous reduction aids to pass guide wire through fracture.

An olive-tipped guide wire is used during reaming, so that the reamer head may be extracted if the driveshaft breaks.

Illustration showing an olive-tipped guide wire used during reaming to extract reamer head if driveshaft breaks.

5. Reaming

If the medullary canal is narrow, it may be necessary to enlarge it by reaming to allow the insertion of a larger diameter nail with sufficient strength.

Reaming also increases the area of contact between the nail and the endosteal surface of the bone at the isthmus.

Although reaming damages the endosteal blood flow, which returns several weeks after surgery, the periosteal blood supply is sufficient for early fracture healing.

The position of the reamer can be checked intermittently under x-ray control.

Reaming generates heat, particularly if reamers are blunt, so it is important not to apply excessive force whilst reaming. (If used, a tourniquet should be deflated when tibial reaming is performed to allow blood flow to dissipate the heat generated by the reamer.)

The first reamer head used is end cutting, has a small diameter, and removes cancellous bone, so that subsequent reamers may pass relatively easily. As the diameter of the reamer heads increases, they start to make contact with the endosteal surface of the cortex; a change in the reaming sound can be heard (chatter) and more resistance can be felt.

Illustration showing reaming of a narrow medullary canal to insert a larger nail, with x-ray checks.

6. Determination of nail length and diameter

Preoperative planning is essential. In multifragmentary fractures, or in open fractures with bone loss, the uninjured leg can be used as a guide during preoperative planning to help select an appropriate nail. In bilateral fractures, the less comminuted side should be used to determine the length and diameter of the nail.

Illustration showing preoperative planning using the uninjured leg or less comminuted side for nail selection.

Determination of length using a depth gauge

All intramedullary nailing sets come with a depth gauge that is slid over the guide wire to determine the length of the nail to be inserted. X-ray imaging is used to confirm proper length.

If there are issues with using the depth gauge, alternative techniques to determine nail length are described below.

Illustration showing depth gauge on guide wire to determine nail length, confirmed by x-ray imaging.

Determination of length using a second guide wire

The correct length of the nail can be determined by comparing a second guide wire of the same length to the one that has been inserted.

The correct placement of the guide wire in the distal canal should be assessed via image intensifier.

The tip of the second guide wire must be positioned at the entry point in the bone.

Measure the difference in length between the two wires (a). This difference represents the proper nail length (b), see illustration.

It is always advisable to double-check the measured length by comparison with the uninjured leg.

Illustration showing nail length determination by comparing two guide wires, with image intensifier check.

Determination of length using a radiographic ruler

Alternatively, a radiographic ruler may be used.

The tip of the ruler should be positioned where the distal end of the nail is intended to lie. Nail length is determined by the position of the nail entry point.

Illustration showing radiographic ruler used to determine nail length by positioning at intended distal end.

Determination of diameter

Nail diameter may be determined from the size of the last reamer used. The nail diameter is typically 1–1.5 mm smaller than the largest reamer used. Alternatively, a radiographic ruler may be used. It is important to measure the medullary diameter at the mid portion of the bone, which represents the narrowest segment of the medullary canal.

The inner cortical edge should touch the inner numbered disk of the ruler aperture. In the illustration an inner cortical diameter of 14 mm is shown. In this case, a 12.5 mm or 13 mm nail would be used.

Illustration showing nail diameter determination using last reamer size or radiographic ruler at mid bone.

7. Nail insertion

An appropriately sized nail is mounted on the introduction handle, which normally incorporates the guides for proximal locking.

If the nailing system has different implants for left and right sides, ensure the correct implant is selected, and the introducer is assembled correctly to ensure proper positioning of the nail.

Illustration showing nail mounted on introduction handle with guides for proximal locking and correct implant selection.

If a guide wire is used, slide the nail over the guide wire and introduce it into the bone. Ideally the nail can be pushed down with twisting movements, but in practice some hammering may be needed.

The nail is inserted under x-ray control, with particular care being taken as the distal end of the nail passes through the fracture site.

Care must be taken not to create a new fracture, particularly in osteoporotic bone.

Illustration showing nail sliding over guide wire into bone, with x-ray control and care at fracture site.

Make sure the nail is fully seated in the planned position. Depending on the bone and the nail, the position may be determined by the planned screw insertion, eg, into the femoral or humeral head.

In general, the end of the nail should be flush with the surface of the bone or should lie just under the surface.

Illustration showing nail fully seated in planned position, flush or just under bone surface.

Pearl: When performing intramedullary nailing in long bones with deformity, such as with an increased femoral sagittal bow, extra care needs to be given to ensure proper guide wire placement and proper nail choice that matches the anatomy of the patient. If this does not occur, an iatrogenic fracture can occur at the distal end of the nail, with the tip of the nail protruding anteriorly. Careful preoperative planning is necessary to prevent this complication.

8. Locking

The guide wire must be removed before locking can be started.

Illustration showing removal of guide wire before starting the locking process.

Proximal locking

Proximal locking is normally performed using the guide attached to the nail.

Illustration showing proximal locking performed using the guide attached to the nail.

Distal locking

As the nail has a tendency to deform slightly as it is inserted, guides attached to the proximal end are not accurate enough for distal locking.

Distal locking is usually performed under x-ray control.

Illustration showing distal locking performed under x-ray control due to nail deformation during insertion.

The central ray of the fluoroscope must pass through the locking hole so that its image is perfectly round and centered on the display screen. This confirms that the central ray is perpendicular to the nail.

Illustration showing central ray of fluoroscope passing through locking hole, image round and centered.
Distal locking - incision

With the leg and fluoroscope properly positioned, an incision is made with radiographic guidance over the selected locking hole. Then the soft tissues are bluntly spread.

Illustration showing incision made with radiographic guidance over locking hole, soft tissues bluntly spread.
Drill tip positioning

The drill tip is positioned over the center of the locking hole.

Illustration showing drill tip positioned over the center of the locking hole.
Alignment and drilling

The drill tip must be aligned with the fluoroscopic central ray. The drill is then advanced through the near tibial cortex, the locking hole in the nail, and the far tibial cortex. Its position is confirmed radiographically. If correct, screw length is measured, the appropriate screw is inserted, and its proper placement is confirmed radiographically.

Illustration showing drill tip aligned with fluoroscopic central ray, advanced through tibial cortex and nail.


Interactive 3D animation

In more proximal or distal fractures, there is a higher tendency for angular displacement to occur. This 3D model shows a fracture in which the metaphysis does not provide much support for the nail, and there is a tendency for translational displacement.

Interactive 3D animation

If only parallel screws are used for locking, a small metaphyseal segment may displace along the screw axis. Screws should therefore be inserted in different axes, if the design of the nail allows, to enhance fixation. This is shown in the panel on the right.

Interactive 3D animation

An alternative to multiaxial interlocking screws is to use blocking screws (Poller screws) adjacent to the nail. Poller screws are used to block the movement of the bone segment around the nail. Screws placed adjacent to the nail can prevent translation as they decrease the width of the intramedullary canal, particularly in the metaphysis. They force the nail into the center of the medullary cavity and increase the stiffness of the bone-implant construct. They can be used to narrow the diameter of the medullary canal to prevent deformity in the coronal plane. The screw is placed perpendicular to the direction in which the fracture might displace, on the convex side of the anticipated deformity. As such, Poller screws can be used for alignment, stabilization and manipulation.

In the panel on the left, the screw counteracts the displacement of the fracture. In the panel on the right, the screw is incorrectly placed and cannot prevent displacement of the fracture.

Interactive 3D animation

The panel on the left shows a Poller screw being used to guide a nail into the center of the medulla. The panel on the right shows a nail being inserted into the medulla without the assistance of a Poller screw.

9. Nail end cap

Most modern nailing systems have nail end caps. These help to reduce bony ingrowth into the nail. If the top of the nail is seated well below the surface of the bone, a longer nail end cap should be used if available. This will mean that less bone needs to be cut away to uncover the nail end cap if the nail is subsequently removed.

Illustration showing nail end caps reducing bony ingrowth, with longer cap used if nail is below bone surface.

10. Nail removal

It is generally not necessary to remove IM nails unless patients are symptomatic.

Unless there is an indication for urgent removal of the nail, it should not be removed until the fracture has definitely united.

Remove any bone that has grown over the top of the nail with an osteotome. It may be helpful to have imaging available for this procedure.

Illustration showing removal of bone over nail top with an osteotome, with imaging assistance.

The nail end cap is removed prior to attachment of the extraction device.

Illustration showing removal of nail end cap before attaching the extraction device.

The extraction device should be attached before removing the locking screws.

Illustration showing attachment of extraction device before removing the locking screws.

The locking screws are then removed, and the nail extracted.

Illustration showing removal of locking screws followed by extraction of the nail.

11. Removal of broken nail

Various techniques have been developed that allow the removal of broken nails with specialized instruments.

If such instruments are not available, the following simple technique can be employed using guide wires.

If the nail is hollow, remove all locking screws.

Illustration showing removal of broken nails using specialized instruments or guide wires after removing screws.

It should be possible to pass an olive-tipped guide wire down to and through the nail tip.

Illustration showing olive-tipped guide wire passing down to and through the nail tip.

One or more straight guide wires are then also passed out through the tip of the nail. This should block the olive-tipped guide wire, preventing it from reentering the nail.

Some trial and error may be needed to determine the correct size of the olive-tipped guide wire.

Illustration showing straight guide wires blocking olive-tipped guide wire from reentering the nail tip.

Once the olive-tipped guide wire is blocked, a T-handle chuck may be attached to the olive-tipped guide wire and the nail backed out using a hammer.

Illustration showing T-handle chuck attached to blocked olive-tipped guide wire, nail backed out with hammer.
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