Authors of section


Carl-Peter Cornelius, Nils Gellrich, Søren Hillerup, Kenji Kusumoto, Warren Schubert

Executive Editors

Edward Ellis III, Kazuo Shimozato

General Editor

Daniel Buchbinder

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Le Fort I, unilateral comminution


A comminuted fracture line extends from the piriform aperture through the lateral maxillary and lateral nasal wall to the posterior region on one side. Collaterally, there is a simple fracture line following a similar course.  A segment of pterygoid plates will often be included.

These fractures can occur without defect (ie, fragments can be fixed to the plate/plates), or with defects in which cases the fragments cannot be used for fracture fixation and buttressing.

This illustration shows a Le Fort I fracture with unilateral comminution (without defect).

Le Fort I fracture

In cases of comminution with small fragments, surgical exposure may require these fragments be removed, resulting in a defect fracture.

This illustration shows a Le Fort I fracture with unilateral comminution with defect.

Le Fort I fracture

Radiographic findings

3-D CT scans show a Le Fort I fracture in the same patient.

Le Fort I fracture
Le Fort I fracture
Le Fort I fracture
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