Authors of section


Edward Ellis III, Warren Schubert

Executive Editors

Zein Gossous, Uzair Luqman, Rafael Cypriano, Peter Aquilina, Irfan Shah, Florian M Thieringer

General Editor

Daniel Buchbinder

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Symphysis and parasymphysis - simple


These are simple fractures in the area between the canine teeth of the mandible.

These are simple fractures in the area between the canine teeth of the mandible.


Orthopantomogram of a simple symphyseal fracture.

Orthopantomogram of a simple symphyseal fracture.

This image shows a PA view of the same patient.

This image shows a PA view of the same patient.

Axial CT scan allows for proper assessment of the vestibular and lingual cortices.

Axial CT scan and occlusal view allow for proper assessment of the vestibular and lingual cortices.
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