Operating room personnel (ORP) need to know and confirm:
The patient is positioned supine on the operating table.
Pad all pressure points carefully (especially in the elderly).
Ensure there is no metal contact in case monopolar diathermy is used.
A shoulder roll is used to extend the neck and facilitate transcutaneous approaches to the mandible.
The nasal anesthetic tube is secured in position. The eyes are protected with a bland eye ointment and taped closed.
A throat pack is placed after intubation to prevent fluids from entering the hypopharynx.
Document the throat pack clearly and communicate this to the anesthesia an operating room team.
If postoperative MMF is planned, pass the end of throat pack from retromolar recess to buccal side for ease of retrieval
The entire surgical field is disinfected and draped. If ORIF of the condyles is planned, the ears should be additionally draped into the surgical field. The oral cavity is also prepped.
Surgeons must have access to the entire head of the patient. The operating room table can be rotated 90-180° depending on the surgeon's preference. Three potential OR setups are illustrated.