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Damir Matic, John Yoo

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Daniel Buchbinder

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Reconstruction - Facial nerve

Reconstruction - Facial nerve

Modified facelift or parotidectomy incision


The most common approach used to expose the facial nerve and treatment options for reconstruction of the paralyzed face is the modified facelift or parotidectomy incision.

The most common approach used to expose the facial nerve and treatment options for reconstruction of the paralyzed face is the modified facelift or parotidectomy incision.

reinnervation with masseteric nerve transposition

The use of existing lacerations


Frequently, patients with facial trauma also have lacerations. Very often, these existing soft-tissue injuries can be used to directly access the facial structures for management of the trauma.

The surgeon may elect to extend the laceration to provide adequate access to the injured area, following the relaxed skin tension lines (RSTL).

Bacterial contamination is not a contraindication for the use of existing lacerations for surgical approach.

Frequently, patients with facial trauma also have lacerations. Very often, these existing soft-tissue injuries can be used to directly access the facial structures for management of the trauma.

The surgeon may elect to extend the laceration to provide adequate access to the injured area, following the relaxed skin tension lines (RSTL).

Bacterial contamination is not a contraindication for the use of existing lacerations for surgical approach.

Initial laceration|alt